Called to Spiritual Fatherhood

n Originally printed in the August 2007 edition of The Voice. Right this minute, there are people in your life who are desperate for father figures. They are looking for godly men to be godly examples. Unfortunately, many men never come to the realization of how important this powerful call to spiritual fatherhood actually is….

A Prayer Request for Our Military Members

nn Originally printed in the April 2007 edition of The Voice. nn “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.” nn nn Our nation has troops all over the world,…

Mark MLK Holiday with a New Resolve to Serve

n Originally published in the January 2007 edition of The Voice. Nearly 45 years after Martin Luther King, Jr. made his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, many blacks in the United States are still dreaming of King’s equal nation. The reality is that while many blacks are living King’s dream of equality and fair treatment, many are not. In 2007, many blacks live in poverty. Many blacks can…

What do you need to stop doing?

nn Originally printed in the October 2006 Edition of The Voice. nn Are there things in your life you are currently doing that you need to stop doing so that you can focus more of your time and energy on the things that matter most and will create the greatest impact over the course of your…