Coming Full Circle

nn n n n ANNANDALE, Va. — Today, we added Black Panther to our Disney Infinity figure collection which gave me an opportunity to introduce Little Kent 2 to my Black Panther comic collection. #TeamKent #Fatherhood n n]]>

Five Things I Want My Sons to Know

nn 1. I pray for you and your mother daily.2. I want you to always think you are the greatest kid in the world.3. When things are hard, keep trying. You can accomplish anything.4. School is important.5. I am always behind you in all you do. nn Inspired by 5 Back-to-School Conversations Every Dad Must…

What am I thankful for?

n What am I thankful for? Plenty, because I have been truly blessed. I’m thankful for her and them. Yes, I am thankful for it. I’m thankful for them because they always make me laugh, and for it because it always makes me smile.I am thankful for Christmas because it means Jesus was born. I’m…

A letter to my sons on Father’s Day (2009)

n   Malcolm and Matty, It’s been a full year since my last letter to you and it has been a busy 12 months. In that time you have changed schools, made new friends, learned to swim and grown a lot. For the most part, I have enjoyed our many moments alone while your momma…

A Letter to My Sons on Father’s Day (2008)

n “godliness with contentment is great gain.” 1 Timothy 6:6 (New International Version) Malcolm and Matthias, As your father, I’ve had the opportunity to think about the life ahead of you and my role in trying to prepare you to be strong and men of God. When I looked at each of you closely for…

A Letter to My Sons on Father’s Day (2007)

n “We are born male. We must learn to be men.” Kent Nerburn, Letters to My Son: A Father’s Wisdom on Manhood, Life, and Love Dear Malcolm and Matthias, Being your dad is the greatest privilege in the world. Cradling you both in my arms; lulling you to sleep on my chest; each of these…