Second Vaccination

nn n n n WASHINGTON — Completed my second COVID-19 vaccination today. Ready to resume normal living.  n n]]>

JV Lacrosse: Atoms top the Jaguars at home

nn n n n n n n n n n ANNANDALE, Va. — The Annandale Atoms top the Falls Church Jaguars at home in JV lacrosse for their second win of the season. #annandalelacrosse #annandalelax #GoAtoms #annandaleatoms #atomnation 📸 n n]]>

Supporting Mom

nn n n n FORT BELVOIR, Va. — The Little Kents decided to visit mom as she worked her first cookie booth at the Veteran Business Expo at Fort Belvoir. Visit to place your order. n n]]>

Gunston 2

n n n Annandale Panthers vs. Gunston 2 n n n n n n Final Score: Annandale Panthers 3, Gunston 2: 6 nn Game Date and Time: Saturday 05-01-2021 10:30 AM nn Game time weather: Partly Cloudy n n Mason District Park, Bill Goodell Soccer Field nn Bill Goodell Soccer Field, Columbia Pike, Sleepy Hollow…

JV Lacrosse Home Opener

nn n n n n n n ANNANDALE, Va. — Little Kent 1 and the Annandale Atoms defeated the Thomas Jefferson Colonials in the JV Lacrosse in their home opener, 7-2. #AnnandaleAtoms #AtomsLacrosse #AtomsLAX #AtomNation #GoAtoms @AtomsLax @AnnandaleAtoms 📸: Absolon Kent — n n]]>

JV Lacrosse Season Opener

nn n n n FALLS CHURCH, Va. — Little Kent 1 and the Annandale Atoms traveled to Falls Church to face the Justice Wolves in the JV Lacrosse season opener. The Wolves built an early lead on their way to an 11-5 victory. #AnnandaleAtoms #AtomsLacrosse #AtomsLAX #AtomNation #GoAtoms 📸: Absolon Kent — n n]]>

First one done!

nn n n n Got my first COVID-19 vaccination shot done so I can help keep my friends and loved ones safe. n n]]>

Smithsonian’s Men of Change: Taking it to the Streets

nn n n n n n n n n n WASHINGTON — I enjoyed the family visit to the Smithsonian’s Men of Change: Taking it to the Streets exhibit in  Washington, DC’s Deanwood neighborhood. The exhibit is designed to highlight the contributions of notable African American men from across the decades and their contributions. n…

Annandale Rangers (Annandale 2)

n n n Annandale Panthers vs. Annandale Rangers (Annandale 2) n n n n n n Final Score: Annandale Panthers 11, Annandale Rangers (Annandale 2): ‘0 nn Game Date and Time: Saturday 11-07-2020 14:15 PM nn Game time weather: Sunny n n Ossian Hall Park nn 7900 Heritage Dr., Annandale Terrace, Annandale, Fairfax County, Virginia,…