Father’s Day Golfing

nn n n n CLIFTON, Va. — Perfect weather and even better company for a Father’s Day golf afternoon. #Blessed n n]]>

Resurrection Sunday 2022

nn n n n “He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.”‭‭. Matthew‬ ‭28:6‬ ‭(NASB Translation) n n]]>

Golfing at Burke Lake

nn n n n BURKE, Va. — A little windy out today, but a good practice round at the Burke Lake Golf Center. #GolfDad n n]]>


nn n n n The “Lonely Eagles” proved they could fly in combat with the best pilots of any nation. #BlackHistoryMonth    #TuskegeeAirmen #TuskegeeAirmenChallenge inspired by the #DuBoisChallenge2022  Image Credit: Anthony Starks (@ajstarks) https://www.customink.com/fundraising/datastories-cc-tuskegee-airmen-globe-shirt?side=front&type… n n]]>

Early Voting

nn n n n FAIRFAX, Va. — Early voting done! #MyVoteMatters #EveryElectionMatters #MyVoteMyVoice n n]]>

Washington Mystics Military Appreciation Night

nn n n n WASHINGTON —  Thank you VetTix  for the great seats for the Atlanta Dream at the Washington Mystics during Military Appreciation Night! #VetTix #WNBA  #BelieveATL #GoNavy n n]]>