nn n n n ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Another tough game for Litte Kent 1 and the Annandale Seal Team Stix as they fall 7-1 to Alexandria at Witter Park. Photos from today’s game are available online at absolonkent.net/photogallery/#15231212386881. #LAXDad #YouthLacrosse #AnnandaleLacrosse #SealTeamStix #TeamKent n n]]>
Author: Absolon Kent
Annandale Lacrosse Season Opener
nn n n n SPRINGFIELD, Va. — Springfield scored two goals in the fourth quarter to break a 1-1 tie and defeat Annandale 3-1 in lacrosse at Lee High School. This was the season opener for both teams. To view photos from the game visit absolonkent.net/photogallery/#15219406636008.#LAXDad #YouthLacrosse #AnnandaleLacrosse #SealTeamStix #TeamKent n n]]>
Boy Scout Bridging Ceremony
nn n n n ANNANDALE, Va. — Little Kent 1 welcomes his brother into the Boy Scout troop during the Cub Scout Pack 150 Bridging Ceremony. #PreciousFatherMoments #ProudDad #Scouting #TeamKent #BoyScoutsofAmerica Photo by T. Kent n n]]>
Arrow of Light
nn n n n ARLINGTON, Va. — Little Kent 2 received his Arrow of Light during the Cub Scout Pack 150 Blue and Gold Banquet. #BoyScoutsofAmerica #TeamKent n n]]>
SSU Wesleyan Gospel Choir Spring 2018 Concert
nn n n n WASHINGTON — Enjoying a great evening of Gospel music, spoken word and praise dance provided by the Savannah State University Wesleyan Gospel Choir during their Spring 2018 Concert Tour stop in Washington, DC. The evening was hosted by the Savannah State University National Alumni Association Washington DC Chapter, the Grady Young Foundation, and…
Youth Lacrosse Scrimmage (vs. Falls Church)
nn n n n FALLS CHURCH, Va. — Little Kent 1 and his teammates played to a 5-5 tie in Saturday’s scrimmage match against Falls Church. To see additional photos from the scrimmage, visit absolonkent.net/photogallery/#15208572668884. For more information about Annandale Youth Lacrosse visit annandalelacrosse.org. #LAXDad #YouthLacrosse #AnnandaleLacrosse #SealTeamStix #TeamKent n n]]>
2018 Capital Baptist Church Awana Derby
nn n n n ANNANDALE, Va. — The Little Kents participated in the Capital Baptist Church‘s Awana Derby on Saturday. Little Kent 1 placed first in the adult/sibling division for the fastest car. To see photos from the event, visit absolonkent.net/photogallery/#15208569413697. n n]]>
Happy Valentines Day @Rai1920. I can’t imagine …
Happy Valentines Day @Rai1920. I can’t imagine my life without you. n]]>
Capital Baptist Men’s Super Bowl Breakfast
nn n n n ANNANDALE, Va. — The Men’s Fellowship of Capital Baptist Church held it’s annual Super Bowl Breakfast on February 3 in The Warehouse. The featured presenter for the event was Steve Able, the Area Representative for the Fellowship of Christian Athletics. To view more photos, visit absolonkent.net/photogallery/#15176772766732. n n]]>
Navy Honors the Contributions of African Americans during 2018 African American/Black History Month
n The U.S. Navy joins the nation in celebrating the history of African American Sailors and civilians during African American/Black History Month, Feb. 1-28. n n n n n n n n]]>