Braves Win!!!

nn n n n WASHINGTON — It was a wonderful evening for baseball at Nationals Park with the family as the Braves beat the Nationals 3-1. #TeamKent #FamilyTime #GoBraves n n]]>

Vacation Bible School: Night One

nn n n n ANNANDALE, Va. — Spending the first night of Vacation Bible School at Capital Baptist Church with Mrs. Kent and the Jr. Lion (Little Kent 1). #TeamKent n n]]>

70’s Style

nn n n n CHARLESTON, SC — Enjoying a few moments of fun during the 70’s Party during the 2018 Dunbar Family Reunion. #TeamKent #FamilyTime n n]]>

Fishing with Grandpa

nn n n n SAVANNAH, Ga. — Spending the morning fishing with Grandpa Kent, the nieces, and the Little Kents. #TeamKent #PreciousFatherMoments #FamilyTime View more photos at n n]]>

Beach Life

nn n n n VIRGINIA BEACH, Va.  — Family time at the beach. #TeamKent n n]]>

Annandale’s 14U Lacrosse Coaches defeated the 14U Players 10-3

nn n n n ANNANDALE, Va. — The coaching staff of the Annandale Youth Lacrosse League defeated the 14U players on Saturday at Annandale High School, 10-3 to end the season. To view photos from the game visit #LacrosseDad #AnnandaleLacrosse #LAXDad #PreciousFatherMoments #SealTeamStix #TeamKent n n]]>

Little Kent 2 finishes first in the Losing 2 Live Kid’s 1K Fun Run

nn n n n ANNANDALE, Va — Little Kent 2 finished first in the Losing 2 Live Kid’s 1K Fun Run hosted by Capital Baptist Church. The Kid’s 1K Fun Run is a race for kid’s 12 and under.View additional photos from the morning at #TeamKent #ProudDad #PreciousFatherMoments #Losing2Live n n]]>


nn n n n HERNDON, Va. — The Annandale Seal Team Stix defeated McLean, 8-5, to win the NVYLL Boys 14ULB1 Championship. The win cemented the teams tournament run which included victories over the #3 seed Vienna, the #1 seed Gainesville, and the #2 seed McLean. The Stix entered the tournament as the #5 seed. To…