Snow Day

nn n n n ANNANDALE, Va. — Little Kent 1 showing off his snowball making skills during a family Snow Day walk to Starbucks for hot chocolate, coffee and muffins. #FamilyTime #TeamKent #PreciousFatherMoments #KENTCANDO n n]]>

The King Majestic EP

n n Listened to The King Majestic EP n n n n n Listened to The King Majestic EPn n n n   This EP is a collection of hymns, prayers, and prophetic words. Celebrating the Kingship of Jesus and his impressive beauty and dignity (majesty). n By Nointed n nn n n n n…

In the Heat of the Night

n n n n n Watched In the Heat of the Nightn n n n In Sparta, Mississippi, one hot September night, the murdered body of wealthy industrialist Philip Colbert is found in an alley. Hunting for suspects, the police pick up Virgil Tibbs, a well-dressed Negro, and bring him to headquarters for questioning. But,…

Sometimes the words “Thank You” just don’t seem to be enough…

n Thank you to everyone who provided words of comfort, prayers, cards, calls, emails, flowers and donations to our family following the loss of my mother, Patricia Kent. Your collective kindness and care provided our family comfort and relief during this difficult time and your support and prayers truly made a difference. Thank you so…

Celebration of Life Ceremony IHO Patricia Kent

n n The Celebration of Life Service for Patricia Kent will be held on Saturday, February 2 at the Savannah Church of God in Savannah, Ga.n n n Location: Savannah Church of God, 3033 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Savannah, GA 31405n n n Saturday, 2nd February 2019 01:00 PMn n n Time Zone:n America/New_York…

The Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice (Graphic Novel)

n n n n The Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice (Graphic Novel) n n n n Reading: The Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice (Graphic Novel) by Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Ivan Plascencia n   A new storm brews over Central City and disproves the old adage about lightning never striking twice! Just…

In Harm’s Way

n n n n n Watched In Harm’s Wayn n n n The 1965 war drama starring John Wayne, Kirk Douglas, and Patricia Neal is the story of a U.S. Naval officer who is reprimanded after Pearl Harbor and later promoted to Rear Admiral where he gets a second chance to prove himself against the Japanese. n…

Becoming A Difference Maker

nn n n n ANNANDALE, Va. — I participated in the kick off Difference Maker Seminar event at Capital Baptist Church. The goal is to train 200 people in January 2019 who will begin using their everyday lives and stories to make a difference in the lives of those who don’t know Jesus. Everyone who attended the event received a free copy…

Mission Possible Kids: The Road to Romans Plus (Video)

n MP_Road_to_Romans_Plus from Absolon Kent on Vimeo. ANNANDALE, Va. — The Mission Possible Kids of Capital Baptist Church under the leadership of Elizabeth Berbano presented “The Road to Romans” during this Sunday’s morning worship services.  #PreciousFatherMoments #TeamKent #MakingADifference2019 n]]>

Capital Baptist Church Community Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

nn n n n ANNANDALE, Va. — Little Kent 2 performed with the Capital Baptist Church‘s Full Orchestra Ensemble during the annual Community Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.  The full 5 pm service can be viewed online at and the full 7 pm service can be viewed online at Kent 2’s performances include: A…